Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Rum Soaked Virgin Islands - Cruzan

It’s hard to get back to the grind coming off a trip to St. Thomas and the US Virgin Islands – especially when you still have sand in your hair and the sweet smell of sunscreen on your skin. But alas, you have to look back on the great memories to help push you through.
It was a great trip in which rum became a part of my daily diet as it is definitely one of the major food groups of the islands. Whether it was out on the beach, over a game of dominoes at the bar, or on a boat in the crystal blue waters, the rum of choice was Cruzan Rum, produced in St. Croix (the largest of the US Virgin Islands) and definitly a bar staple at every bar I entered.
Cruzan Rum (pronounced “kru-shun” which I was reminded of by several bartenders), the largest supplier of American label rum, was founded in 1760. For eight generations the distillery has been managed by the Nelthropp Family, but is today owned by Beam Inc. Cruzan is one of only two rum distilleries which are part of the American Whiskey Trail.
The distillery produces Cruzan Aged Light Rum, Cruzan Aged Dark Rum, Cruzan Black Strap Rum, Cruzan 9 Spiced Rum, Cruzan Single Barrel Estate Rum, Cruzan 151 Proof Rum, Cruzan Rum Cream (a blend of Cruzan light rum, pure Irish cream, caramel, vanilla and other flavors), and 10 Tropical-Flavored Rums which include raspberry, coconut, mango, vanilla, pineapple, banana, black cherry, citrus, guava, and strawberry. The ABV of these rums ranges from 21% - 75.5%.
Cruzan is named after the natives of St. Croix who are known as “Crucians.” The island was founded by Christopher Columbus in 1493 when he arrived at Salt River. Over time, the island had been controlled by seven different nations (Spanish, French, Dutch, English, the Knights of Malta, Danes and now the US). Early on, sugar production was king since the island was covered with sugarcane fields and approximately 165 windmills all grinding sugar for shipment to Europe or North America.  
Rum has always been an integral part of the island’s culture and all early rums were distilled in pot stills. Today, Cruzan has updated to a five-column distillation process which has assisted in its famous smoothness by taking out impurities. Once the rum is distilled it is placed in charred barrels for aging.
The Nelthropp Family come from English decent and their family crest rests on the label of the rums. Tradition runs deep at Cruzan and quality control is key. Each morning, various members of the family and distillery staff gather to check samples of their rum in various stages. Before the rum goes much further into the process, scientific and human tests are performed in the lab to catch any abnormalities in the previous day’s production. Cruzan was also the first rum distillery to come out with a line of ten flavored rums which bartenders love to use to create cocktails and shooters.
At the distillery, visitors will find tributes to St. Croix’s history, most notably the seven flags – one for each country that has claimed possession over the tiny island at one time or another - surrounding the sugarcane windmill turned cistern.
Ahhh, to be back on a white, sandy beach right now with a cold Cruzan and Cola or a tropical punch of mixed Cruzan flavors. I can’t wait to get back!
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